First of all, cheers to this southern spring weather! We had a great weekend watching lots of lacrosse and baseball and taking in the sunshine. The weather is energizing and the babes were definitely enjoying it. Even losing an hour of sleep didn’t slow my crew down.
I’ve never had a girlfriend or even an acquaintance for that matter with three big brothers. Watching Ella’s little personality blossom under the influence of these three big bros is really a site to see. It’s this constant conundrum of her being the youngest AND being a girl that they can’t be too rough with…while trying to balance the need for her not to be spoiled to the point of no return. I do sure love her feisty-ness and I think the boys will learn lots about how to treat and respect their future wives.
Loving this wreath I found recently at World Market. I’m really picky about wreaths with decoration being tacky or cheap looking, and this one is neither.
I was introduced to the idea of a leprechaun catcher over the weekend after George made one with a friend. It’s the cutest thing ever! The boys are giddy over the idea they might catch the little guy in a couple of days.
On top of the tissue paper they glued these festive cut-outs and George put some Lucky Charms cereal on top {to lure him in of course}. His buddy also made one and said last year he just caught the hat off of the little guy, but had his heart set that this might be his year.
Of course I had to take to Pinterest to discover more ways to trap the lucky leprechaun. This one is super cute. Here’s the tutorial…
How about this festive thing right here…
Such a cute idea, and I’ll have to keep y’all posted if we catch the stinker!
This was my favorite outfit of the weekend. It’s still kind of cool at night and I’m obsessed with these espadrilles. This denim is pretty distressed so I mostly wear on the weekends, but sure do love.