I’m coming back from the flu last week to talk about my favorite new app. As I type this I have 2 browser windows open with about 8-10 tabs each on my macbook, and 6+ browser windows open in safari on my iPhone … all with articles or blog posts I intend to get back to and read later. Does the thought of this stress you out? Ummm, it does me!
As I online shop or scroll through twitter or Facebook I come across so much that I can’t possibly get to right away so I leave the tab open to come back to later. Sometimes I bookmark, but I’ve decided that’s no good because I usually forget about it and I like to keep my bookmarks orderly.
I recently came across an app and browser assist called Pocket that is starting to simplify this get-back-to-it-later fiasco! Here’s the gist of what it does:
- You can save pages and videos from any app that doesn’t have a Pocket button by emailing the link to add@getpocket.com
- Add the Pocket button to your browser (like a Pin-it button)
- Save links directly from Twitter
- You can ‘favorite’ pages that are more urgent
- Everything syncs seemlessly to keep the list current
- And I created my account with gmail, making it quick and easy
We’ve had a fun week of the flu making rounds in our house. Yuck! Winston was star student at school this past week. He loved making his poster of baby pictures to share with friends. I went and read to his class and brought snacks that started with their letter of the week – S. We did strawberries with sugar on skewers, simply pita chips and sunflower seeds.
I’m kind of obessessed with navy right now. The JCrew vest I’m wearing above is sold out, but you can find one similar here. I found this Halogen oversized clutch at Nordstrom last week that I LOVE and at a great pricepoint. It fits everything and the snakeskin pattern adds a little edginess to it. Shop it, my nail color and more irrestible navy accessories here.