In atlanta/ family/ style/ Thankful Thursday

thirty six things to be thankful for

After a healthy birthday break from the blog, I’m back! I’ve missed this space and sharing with you all. I woke up this year on my 36th birthday feeling overwhelmingly grateful. Not for any of the obvious things (which of course I am thankful for as well); but things like a warm bed to snuggle up in, food on the table and just generally being alive and healthy.

36 things to be thankful for Share on X

It was a wonderful feeling and I’m extending that to this space to share my musings of 36 things I’m thankful for. They are in no particular order and I’m certain I can’t cover it all…but here goes.

  1. My babies of course. I love each of their personalities and feel so blessed that God trusted me with their precious souls.
  2. A husband that adores his children and works hard.
  3. Coffee. Because I’m pretty sure it’s running through my veins at this point.
  4. Lulu undies. Seriously, so comfortable and no picking required.
  5. My Momsie and extended family. They have played such a special role in my life and I’m certain I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.
  6. Chocolate. ‘Nuf said.
  7. Sunless tanning! Read more here.
  8. My kids’ school. It is truly a blessing to them and our entire family.
  9. – I’ve learned so much through my montly membership and it’s opened a lot of doors professionally.
  10. Mascara, and specifically this one and this one.
  11. Girlfriends that make the hard times bearable and the fun times so much better!
  12. Our amazing babysitter of 8+ years who has become part of our family. I would’ve literally drowned in my laundry years ago without her.
  13. I love Spring is always peeking around the corner after my birthday. March is my very favorite month and the month two of boys celebrate birthdays so all-the-better!
  14. A good book (even though I haven’t had much time to read lately).
  15. Vinylux nail polish! The gel manis tear my nails – this lasts so much longer than the other options.
  16. Weekend getaways like this one.
  17. Amazon prime two day delivery for giant boxes of TP and dog food!
  18. Changing up my workout and challenging myself with options from Classpass. I bought a real pair of boxing gloves for one of the classes I can’t quit!
  19. My Dishwasher! What the heck did people do before??!
  20. Freedom and the men and women that make sacrifices so we can have it.
  21. Champagne brunches – or just champagne in genral.
  22. Comfortable jeans that make me feel good and squeeze me in all the right places like these DL1961’s.
  23. My sweet baby Beau bear, he’s the sweetest. beau
  24. Birthday facials at Four Season’s Atlanta
  25. My morning carpool buddy! Really those mornings without a school commute are a blessing to be acknowledge!
  26. My La Mer under eye cream
  27. While I am at – boxtox #keepinitreal
  28. Yeti everything…they’re seriously geniuses over there
  29. My hair colorist that keeps the grays away (cause they’re coming faster and faster)
  30. My dad that taught me what hard work means.
  31. My brother who has shown me what it means to overcome adversity.
  32. The professional female mentors God has brought in my life.
  33. Cozy house slippers like these and these.
  34. Family bowling nights like this one.
  35. Fresh blooms & Nest candles that brighten my home!
  36. My Lord and Savior that sacrificed it all. Favorite bible verse lately:

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