Five faves for Friyay talking Easter!
Our Easter tradition is spending the weekend in Chattanooga with my in-laws, and I’m looking forward. Here’s last year’s post about our trip. What does your family do? Baskets are a challenge with traveling so I’ve been scouring the web to find ideas. I came across this candy store straight from heaven called Sugarfina! Wow do they have some beautiful candy. Almost too pretty to eat!

Right now Target has a promotion for $10 off when you spend $50 on Toys and $5 off when you spend $25 in the Easter shop. This adorable plush bunny basket is only $9!

Know what your wearing Easter weekend? Urban Outfitters is having a buy one get one 50% off apparel, accessories and shoes. I’m in love with these suede ruffle slides in both colors.
Here are few other fun Easter ensembles …
Easter is a special holiday that sometimes gets overshadowed by the bunny. I try to make an extra effort to not focus on the bunny so much, and explain to my kids why this holiday is so special to our faith.
Easter prayer:
We thank you
that Easter is not about
a people,
but all people,
that your love
and your Salvation
are for all who confess
with voices, hearts and lives
that the tomb is empty
because Jesus is risen,
that we might know
that lives might be
and your name
now and for eternity.Read more at:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Follow us: @faithandworship on Twitter | faithandworship on Facebook
that Easter is not about
a people,
but all people,
that your love
and your Salvation
are for all who confess
with voices, hearts and lives
that the tomb is empty
because Jesus is risen,
that we might know
that lives might be
and your name
now and for eternity.Read more at:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Follow us: @faithandworship on Twitter | faithandworship on Facebook

From the Read and Share Bible brand, this retelling of the Easter story is explained in… [More]
Price: $7.99

Gather the family around for this beautiful retelling of the Easter story and watch Jes… [More]
Price: $6.99
Dying the eggs is a must leading up to Easter! My friend Liz posted this fun idea on the fun Facebook group, “Mom’s in the ‘burbs” page.